Tapestry Class Series

Wednesdays throughout the calendar year

$12 Drop-in Rate | $10 Member Rate

$10 per class for a pre-paid 4-class punch card

Cash or Credit accepted at the door

Tapestry is kicking off a new program! Our Tapestry Class Series will feature a variety of dance styles, most not currently offered within our own regular programming, providing lessons particularly geared towards beginners, and connecting with other dance organizations and groups around the Twin Cities. Classes will be held Wednesday evenings throughout the year.

Wednesdays in September | 6-7:30 PM | Ed Stern Studio

The Dabke Series - Exploring the Classic Levantine Culture Through Dance

This series is an opportunity to dive into traditional dances from countries in the Middle East that make up the Levantine tradition, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. Each session will focus on the dances from each of the different countries, dances that would be performed by all people, regardless of age or ability at weddings and other celebrations, dabke dances that dive deeper into certain regions within these countries, and a little bit of freestyle! There will be opportunities within these sessions to learn skills and tricks of different dabkes and other types of dances that aren't dabke or line dances like freestyle male dances and belly dancing!

9/4 - Syria: Basics of dabke, traditional Syrian dabke, and regional dances.

9/11 - Lebanon: Revisiting basics, Lebanese twists on the traditional dabke and stylistic tricks, and freestyle wedding dancing.

9/18 - Jordan: Jordanian dabke and highlighting regional dancing, and freestyle or revisiting any of the previous countries.

9/25 - Palestine: Finalizing dabke and polishing dabke tricks, fast paced palestinian dabke, and celebration at the end!

Important admission update for Tapestry program dances:

As a requirement of our insurance, starting in February 2024 ALL dance participants MUST sign a Participant Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement. Individuals only need to sign it once, but they MUST sign in order to participate. You can view the Agreement ahead of time HERE

Hi! My name is Sophia Haddad, and I am so excited to be teaching this dabke series! I am the daughter of two Syrian immigrants, so I grew up going back and forth from the Middle East and the US and was raised in an Arab household. My whole life has always been full of dancing, whether it was at weddings, at my church festival in our dance troupe, or teaching dabke at different cultural events, conferences, and camps! I am excited to get to share this huge part of my culture and shine a light on the rich traditions, highlighting celebratory dances one would experience at a wedding or party, freestyle, belly dancing, and dances that are based on different regions within these Levantine countries!