Individual Donations make up approximately one-third of Tapestry’s annual budget. Your gift is essential to ensuring Tapestry can continue to offer joy-filled dance experiences.
Ways to Give
Mail a Check to Tapestry Folkdance Center 3748 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Give a cash, credit, or check donation when attending a dance! Check-in with Admissions or pick up a donation card.
Employee Match Programs
Employee match programs are a benefit that companies offer to encourage and reward giving among their staff.
Required Minimum Distribution
Save on your taxes by donating to Tapestry Folkdance Center! Are you over 72? Do you take a Required Minimum Distribution from your tax-deferred savings accounts (such as a traditional IRA)? You can reduce the taxable amount by donating to charitable organizations such as Tapestry . Up to $100,000 can be donated tax-free. The donation must be made directly from the financial institution holding the account to be tax-free. Contact your financial institution for more information.