Nordic Social Dance
Second SUNDAY of the Month
6:00 - 6:45 pm Instruction
7:00 -8:00 pm Social Dance
8:00 - 8:10 pm Group Mixer
8:10-8:50 pm Social Dance
8:50- 9:00 pm Group Långdans
Cost: $15 General Admission | $12 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 - Free
In Nordic Social Dance you will learn and review the dances of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. Two hours of social dancing to live-music! Also included is a 45-minute dance workshop with experienced instructors who are steeped in the culturally rich dances of the Nordic countries. No partner needed, you will find one here!
Musical Guests: ASI Spelmanslag and Lillalag, TC Nyckelharpalag, Hardingfelelag, Lauluaika, Skandibears, Button Boxers, Hutenanny, Renee Vaughan, Art Bjorngjeld, Kvinnekraft, Rachel Jensen Ulvin, and more.
Dance Instructors: Carol Sersland, Elise Peters, Kari Tauring, Martha Olsen, Jaana Tutilla.
Music Coordinator: Renee Vaughan
February 9 will feature Swedish dance and music traditions for the instruction and first hour dance. Elise Peters will instruct. The Twin Cities Nyckelharpalag will be the featured band for the first hour of dance, with American Swedish Institute Spelmanslag playing for the second hour of dance.
March 9 will feature dance preparations for the Annual Nordic Ball on March 29th. Kari Tauring will instruct. Hutenanny will be the featured band for the first hour of dance, with Renee Vaughn and the Skandibears playing for the second hour of dance.
April 13 will feature Finnish dance and music traditions for the instruction and first hour dance. Jaana Tutilla will instruct with Lauluaika providing music. The second hour will feature Char Bostrom and friends playing.
May 11 will feature Danish dance and music traditions for the instruction and first hour dance. Ballade will play for the instruction and first hour of dance. The Button Boxers will play the second hour.