Contra Dance



7:30 - 8:00 pm  Lesson
8:00 - 11:00 pm  Dance

Live Music: $15 General | $12 Member | $8 Young Adult & Youth (Ages 10 -21)

“Pay What You Want” first seven days of every month (1st through the 7th)
Recorded Music:  $12 General | $10 Members | $7 Young Adult & Youth (Ages 10 -21)


Last Monday of the Month

8 - 10:30 PM | Small Studio

What is Contra Dance?
In a Contra dance, a leader, known as a caller, teaches basic dance steps during an introductory “walk-through” of the dance. Dancers learn by walking through the steps and formations, following the caller’s instructions. The dance figures are similar to those of old-time square dancing except the figures are usually danced in a line, with leaders and followers facing each other.

​These dances are lively, social, easy to learn, and aerobic. Although you will dance with a partner, it isn't necessary to come with one. All dances are taught and are usually done in "long-ways sets" (partners facing in long lines down the hall).  Many of the regular Tapestry Folkdance Center Contra bands play old-time music (similar to bluegrass), but the music at any given Saturday night Contra may reflect a range of music traditions, such as New England, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish, Cape Breton and modern compositions.

​What is Contra Dance Music?
Contra dance music comes from traditional acoustic music traditions, and may feature a variety of instruments. Tapestry Folkdance Center offers live music every Saturday night.  Many local musicians play at Tapestry, and we are delighted when we can host groups from out of town who come to share their gifts with our dancers.

How does Contra Dance Work?

"A contra dance can be thought of as a triangle of energy with the three vertices being the musicians, the dancers and the caller. Magical evenings occur when all three come together, feeding off of each others’ energy to raise and sustain an atmosphere of fun and joy. The caller’s role in this is paramount. Good music and dancers without a good caller may not be magical. Poor teaching, lack of rapport or inappropriately selected dances can lead to frustration. But a good caller can make even new dancers feel like they are good, and by working with the musicians to match music to dances, set the right tempo, and feed off the energy of everyone in the hall, the caller can help make magic."
by Beau Farmer, Tapestry Folkdance Center Contra Caller


  • Caller: Don Gatheridge
    Band: Tunebuggy -
    Ken Steffenson, Mia Burgstede, and Mattie Rynkiewicz

  • Caller: Robin Nelson
    Band: Fado (Bob Walser, Danielle Enblom)

  • Caller: Mattie Rynkiewicz
    Band: Bob Walser, and Friends

  • Caller: Beau Farmer
    Band: Techno Contra - DJ by Mattie Rynkiewicz

  • Dance will be held at Sokol Hall, 383 Michigan St, St Paul                                   Caller:  Robin Nelson
    Band: Contratopia North (Members - Pat O’Loughlin, Patrice Pakiz, Tim Reese)

  • Caller: Amy Letson
    Band: Irish Diplomacy
    (Members - Sherry Taplin, Datta Hartman, Mike Ries, Ric Lee, Shawn McBurnie, John Goolsby, Sunil Bawa, Bill Lee)

  • Caller: Ted Hodapp
    Band: Flour City Doughboys - (Members-  Pat O’Loughlin, Art Bjorngjeld, Danny Hansen, Doug Lohmanz)

  • Caller: David Kirchner
    Band: Tunebuggy
    (Members - Ken Steffenson, Mattie Rynkiewicz, Maura Goodin, Mia Burgstede)

  • Caller: Mattie Rynkiewicz
    Band: Techno Contra, DJ by Bob Walser 

  • Dance  held at Sokol Hall,  383 Michigan St, St Paul
    Bring snacks to share at the break      Caller: Mattie Rynkiewicz
    Band: Compass Rose String Band (Members - Ken Steffenson, Anne Benson, Erin Walsh, Joel Petersen)

  • Caller: Don Gatheridge
    Band: Contratopia
    (Members  - Patrice Pakiz, Tim Reese, Pat O’Loughlin)

  • Caller:  Beau Farmer 
    Band: Contratopia.
    (Members -  Pat O’Loughlin, Patrice Pakiz, Erik Sessions, Tim Reese)

  • Caller: David Kirchner
    Band: Anytime English Players (Members - Ken Steffenson, Lynn Dixon, David Edminster)

  • Caller: Ted Hodapp
    Band: Techno Contra, DJ by Mattie Rynkiewicz

  • Caller:  Robin Nelson
    Band:  Patchwork Players (With Ken Steffenson, Erin Walsh)

  • Caller: Ted Hodapp
    Band: Contratopia
    (Members -  Pat O’Loughlin, Patrice Pakiz, Erik Sessions, Tim Reese)

  • Caller:  Amy Letson
    Band: Speed Dial
    (Members - Liz Bergmann, Josiah Misselt, Mattie Rynkiewicz)

  • Caller: Beau Farmer
    Band: Trio Enblom Froelich Walser (Members - Bob Walser, Danielle Enblom, Cory Froelich)

  • Caller: Lisa Leedham
    Band: Thistledown
    (Members - Pat O’Loughlin, Ken Steffenson, Ann Benson, Sherry Ladig)

  • Caller:  Qwill DuVall
    Band: Techno Contra, DJ by Mattie Rynkiewicz

  • New Years Eve Dance
    Caller: Beau Farmer
    Band: Mayhaps
    (Members - IMattie Rynkiewicz, Saiah May, Mason Lunneborg, Lilah Barneson)