Dancer’s rights and responsibilities
I have the right
To feel safe when I dance
To tell my partner if I prefer not to move in specific ways that feel unsafe or unwelcome to me, whether for physical, emotional, or unstated personal reasons
To accept or deny dance partners as I choose
To ask anyone to dance and to accept their response graciously
To participate or not, as I choose
To have my personal boundaries respected
To say NO as loudly as necessary
To speak up when I feel my boundaries are disrespected or if I have been touched inappropriately
To be heard and believed if I have a complaint
To have formal complaints properly recorded by the House Manager or Admissions Manager, and have a formal process conducted as per Tapestry’s policies.
I have the responsibility
To know my own boundaries and communicate them to my partners
To touch dance partners appropriately
To listen to my partner and accept their limits – whether for physical, emotional, or unstated personal reasons – without argument
To respect personal boundaries
To be kind if I choose to decline a dance
To honor everyone on the dance floor and keep the dance floor a welcoming, safe place for all dancers
To respect someone else saying NO to another dancer, and understand they have a reason for doing so
To respect the privacy of dancers who are making a formal complaint and to trust that Tapestry’s policies will be followed
*** Joyful Dancing ***